21 August, 2005

Beautiful Day

And I'm not talking about the U2 song, which I am going to burn a copy of today just so I can play it in the car. It's a fantastic day today and I had to work very hard to get someone to come outside with me. Most people already have plans. What's wrong with leaving things till the last minute like me.

I got 2 bills this week as well. One was my mobile bill (back up above $40, yikes! must stop texting quite so much. Next month ;) ) and the other was my tax bill. What with getting seconded and earning more money, I've been pushed above the limit where I have to pay HECS. So even though it is part of my salary, this year I have another bill. Better then the $400 it was last year (which took 2 calls and half an hour to explain to me, wasn't very clear) it is $8. Which it feels slightly silly paying. There should be some way of just leaving it on my account till next year, just attach it to the tax file number. That's just me being picky about having to pay such a small amount. Wish I'd got money back, but that's for next year.

I have decided to join the defence forces again. So that means a) have to do my exercises to get my knees to work as they should all the time, not just when I warm them up and b) actually do something about it. Will call the defence people Tuesday and organise something I think.

And I'm going to catch the bus to work from now on. Part of a fitness kick thingy I'm trying to get on as it's a half hour walk to the bus stop from my parents. Where I'm moving to tomorrow. *sigh* I hate cleaning. And packing. Still got so much to do.


Franki said...

i HATE my hecs debt. maybe i should flee the country.. fleeee!! what did you study?

Aj said...

You know if you walk to the stop on Mains Rd it's only 10 minutes and there's no hill.

Unknown said...

You know you can ride from your place to the city... and you get the big down hill run on the way in! And the bikeway starts just near there...