08 November, 2006

Fucking microsoft

Please note, that will not be the last swearing I do in this post. If you are sensitive to swearing or like Microsoft, stop reading now.

Ok, so I formatted my computer. And got a legal version of XP SP2. For $15. w00t. Anyway, I have to reinstall everything on my computer. That includes my motherboard because windows doesn't recognise it, fucked if I know why. So I download the drivers for it which is 25 meg. Which is just plain old fucking ridiculous. And then we get to the fun part. Unless there is a digital signature in the zip file, apparently Windows will not open anything it deems is not safe. AND NOT PROVIDE ME WITH AN OPTION TO UNBLOCK IT!!!!

That is despite all the documentation stating that there is an option. What kind of fucking nanny program are they running here? I know what the fuck I'm doing, why don't they get over their lazy fat asses and write a god damn computer program that isn't buggy, isn't full of holes and can't be hacked. That'd be a lot better and people may actually buy their products. So now i need to download a seperate zip program just to open a zip file to get my motherboard to work properly because microsoft are fucked in the head.

Don't even get me started on the fact that Windows Live Messenger is hard coded to use IE to open web pages in. If that isn't anti-competitive then my name is Bill Gates and I just gave all my money to charity. I don't care that there are better programs out there then MSN messenger, I want to use it and my default browser.

Fuck you Bill Gates and fuck your fucking company up the fucking ass.


Andrew said...


I knew there was a reason (or three) that I was not in a hurry to reformat my computer.

Joe said...

Lol.... go Ben. Get ANGRY, dude. Fucking ANGRY!! :)

Unknown said...

Fight the power!

Scotto said...

Simple solution Ben. Only use it if you have to. Buy an Intel Mac, install windows for games and switch an OS that works. Since I have used OS 10.4 never had any problems. Sure I paid a little more for my machine, but it is totally worth it once you get use to it.

When ever I use windows now, I swear just as much!