But, to get down to the reason you're all here, and this is insulation. Yesterday I helped Dunc put some insulation in his shed. And I decided to chronicle it via photos. My good intentions didn't last long but I did get a few so that's good. Tomorrow I may chronicle something else, but I think once is enough. Anyway, without further ado, here are the photos, and a brief explanation.

From this photo you can see what we're doing, and what it looked like originally. The insulation goes against the wall (the best spot for it really), a spacer is put on the board to stop it getting pushed against the wall if weight is put on it and also a piece of wood is attached to the top of the board so the next one above it can be attached to the lower one. Lot of drilling involved :) This wall almost got finished by the end of the day, only a lack of insulation stopped us. At the start of the day we all thought we'd have enough, but doing the corners with the triangle metal bracing used up a lot more then expected.

And this is the man himself, Duncan. From this photo we see him in his old Wolverhampton Wanderers shirt drilling. Up the top there is the last bit of wood going on. There are two full sheets below that and it just remains to tidy it up at the top with a thin strip.
So while that was going on, there wasn't much a few others who turned up could do. Some of us constructed some shelves.

I helped construct these. Apparently you can put up to a 100kg on each shelf....we don't believe the packaging. It became much sturdier when all the screws were tightened, but still.....

It's more then others were doing. There's Benny stealing a cripples crutches. The cripple in question (Belinda) is hidden under the tarp as it started to rain and she couldn't get up as someone had stolen the crutches...what is a girl to do?
Last but not least, getting to the shed has been an interesting experience of late. Duncs backyard isn't the biggest and he's had the problem of his hills hoist being too low and being a hazard to eye sight to all who venture into the backyard. And as the height adjustment on it is broken as well it's been an issue. But it's amazing what a bit of PVC piping and electrical tape can do....

And that was it really. Really just an excuse to sit around and talk, but we did all pitch in when required. And we also managed to get through two KFC feasts with 5 people just for the inflatable Hussey and Symonds red thingys. All in all, a very accomplished day :) Back to work tomorrow, what could possibly top that?
1 comment:
Love the photo of Bee under the tarp. Don't know how I managed to miss that on the actual day!
Am quite happy with the effort involved and the result. A good team effort I feel.
We also gotta use those KFC inflatable fielders or all that KFC was eaten in vain.
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