02 July, 2007


For those who want big news, I am definitely moving to Europe after the Spanish trip. No I have not booked how to get there. No I don't have a passport. I have plans, and I have contacts who will get me a job (please?). Or I will as soon as I update my resume...

Also, Cameron's projector has arrived. And the projector screen. No mounting gear came with it, but a short trip to Bunnings fixed that. Lamentably, The Covenant (note the capitals) states that 'Thou shalt not use power tools after 5pm at the risk of ridicule and scorn from your neighbours'. However, the use of a bloody great big woofer to pound out sound on weekends, that's allowed. Of course, that is the only time that Cameron gets to put his bass to ultra-so-deep-they-feel-it-in-china-low so that's also fun...I'm looking forward to the next time.

Also, I'm reading 'The God Delusion' at present, a step away from my usual Sci-fi / fantasy. In the interest of being fair and keeping a broad mind (as opposed to closed) can anyone out there recommend a good book in favour of theism? Not a holy book, a well thought out text in defence of religion or something along those lines. Just thought I'd see what people say...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i DEMAND you take me with you!!
(didja see the capitals? assertive huh?)