A lot of new cars talk about how fast their roof comes down and how fast the car can be going. I tell you now my car can do it at 60 in less then a second. Beat that SLK, I dare you.
Seriously, driving with the top down is the reason I bought the car. When I don't have it down I feel the need, the need for speed. So really taking the roof off solves everyones problems. And with the heater on I don't get cold. Except for my left ear. No matter how hunched i got there was always that wind in my ear. Not anywhere near as enjoyable as wind in the hair.
At least my hair's long enough to get blown about. Wait, I don't think that's a good thing. Anyway, the important thing is that I had fun.
--- Ben
Diesel powah! Actually, it's depressing driving around and seeing everyone else in their nice sporty cars. At least I get to see thier rooves. I saw another 1990 era Supra today. I want to cry.
It appears your blog isn't commented upon nearly as frequently as it used to be. I blame the new formatting. It's chased a lot of the 'while the going's good' people away, but the stalwarts like me remain quietly in the corner (I lie, of course. During the WoW days, I don't think I read anyone's blog more than once a quarter).
The blog format will be changed. I'll be doing a green style like my car at some point. I need more photos of my car before I find one I like. This grey is just too bland. And I know the professional sites say have a white background with black text, but I don't care what they say, I want it my way. Just need to find some time.
And at least I blog, unlike some. And by some I mean all. Except Cameron and Wilson.
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