12 December, 2008

Made it!

There has been a worrying trend lately, where I forget to put subjects
in my posts. That's because I've been adding entries via blogger
itself, and not via sending an email. The formatting is better, but
it's easier to just have 1 window open. So I do know about the
formatting problems, I just don't think it takes away enough from the
post to stop doing it.

Anyway, back in Australia, and pretty much over the jetlag now. It
helps that I napped pretty much all yesterday, and I slept 12 hours
last night. My body kept thinking it was time to wake up, but I went
straight back to sleep and woke up at 12. So while I'm still tired,
I'm sure I'll be fine and have now settled into a good routine of
staying up till midnight and sleeping till midday.

I did manage to throw out my razor though...so I need to go buy a new
1. Since I'm lacking a car, and waiting on said car arriving I can't
do that at the moment...I suspect Vanessa is asleep and am choosing
not to wake her. The helmets have gone down a treat, it's really a
shame that I have to give them to their rightful owners tonight. Since
Jacqui is a little more excited about it then I am, I'm willing to
forgive her. There is an offer of beer and food at her place sometime,
which it will be good to take her up on, decks and BBQ and Brisbane
are a combination that takes quite a bit of beating. Add in beer, and
it's like it is heaven.

I'm also quite disappointed to learn I may have picked up a slight
accent while away. It has been noted by 2 people, which while isn't
enough for a quorum, is enough to be worrying.

Subway have opened a store within walking distance, which I discovered
this morning/afternoon when I awoke and was hungry. It was great to
once again have a chicken fillet, which is not something I've been
able to get in England. They don't do fillets. And being able to order
it with capsicum rather then peppers was also quite enjoyable. I am
missing my guitar though, as it's that time of the day, when I'm
slightly bored and would like something to amuse myself for several
hours. A guitar fits that bill brilliantly.

And washing clothes, leaving them to dry in the air and having that
happen in under 24 hours is also good. I do need to stop saying Bonza
all the time though. Alright, off to find something else to fill the


Jacqui said...

I have a lonely guitar that doesn't get any love. You're welcome to borrow it while you're here...

Jacqui said...

Oh, and the helmets ROCK!

Anonymous said...

hehehe you're funny - well at least I didn't detect an accent! Still same ol' Ben to me :). Cara