02 January, 2009

Metric system

Sitting here in the heat, I got to pondering. I like the metric
system. It's logical, and easily understandable by those people on the
planet who have 10 fingers. Which is most of us. So why does tradition
keep us using the Imperial system of weights and measures for heights
and weights? It can't just be the fact the USA still uses it. So I
decided to start a fashion of not using it, and instead of saying I
was 6 feet tall, to say I was 183 cms. Because I round up. But then
there's the problem of converting. So to use only the metric system
I'd need to learn the imperial system, and all the conversions. Which
seemed sort of ironic, learning the imperial system just so I could
phase it out.

And that's why traditionalism is winning this battle of inertia.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hmm, maybe you the don't need to learn the old system but instead have a tape measure in cm! Cara