01 December, 2009

Movember almost over

Sad but true.

The mo has grown on me. I don't want to keep it, so I'll be going back to the goatee. No more looking like a Spanish waiter for me!

As I'm sure most of you are aware, I have been made redundant. The good news is, that although my last day is December 9, I still get paid until the end of December. So if I get lucky and find a position before the end of December then I will be getting paid for 2 jobs, huzzah!

Since that's unlikely, plan A is actually to get PHP Certified, which should result in me obtaining a position that is far more worthy of my efforts. As part of this, while I will be applying for positions before xmas the plan is to try and do some contracting. Perhaps through oDesk or something along those lines.

Cara is back in Australia from now until boxing day as well, visiting family and basically just having a holiday. Which means that I'm free to play computer games to any hour of the night, a privilege I intend to exploit to the max.

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